Watchlists Last Updated on (EDT): 10/14/2024 17:50:32 PM

Green columns = decision data

Red column = estimated earnings date (if applicable)

Yellow columns = trade input details

BP Needed (If assigned) = The value in this column indicates the amount of stock buying power you need in your account in the case shares are assigned to you.

Budget (Max Loss) = Buying power needed in your account to trade. It is also the maximum capital at risk.

Buffer = The distance, in a percentage, that the stock price is from the sold option contract, i.e. how far is the stock price away from being in the money (ITM).

Earnings = Estimated (or past) earnings date

EV = Expected value (EV) is the estimated average outcome of a series of trades if they were repeated many times. It represents the average profit or loss you can expect on each based on the probabilities and potential outcomes the current trade set up. Positive EV = good, negative EV = bad.

Exp. Date = The expiration date to set when placing an order

PoP = Probability of Profit is the likelihood that an options trade will be profitable, i.e. will expire out-the-money. This is just an approximation.

Premium = Approximate return potential in dollars.

ROI = Approximate return potential in percentage.

Strike price columns = This is what you input when setting up your trades

Order Price = This is the amount you set your order at when trading (approximate)







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